Maciej Majdecki won first prize in the ChemistryViews Photo Competition 2023 with this collection of beautifully coloured NMR tubes.

Maciej Majdecki is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. He works on new materials for organic electronics, focusing mainly on acene derivatives. This group of polycyclic hydrocarbons offers interesting properties for increasing the efficiency of solar cells. The tubes in the picture contain several compounds that Majdecki analyses using NMR. Under the UV lamp, they appear in fantastic colours. Majdecki is a keen photographer of his experiments and has already been featured in C&EN’s Chemistry in Pictures section. He shares his photos on Instagram (@luminescent_chemist) and X/Twitter (@MajdeckiMaciek).

Do you have any nice images from your research? Send them to and they may appear in our magazine!


Beeld: Maciek Majdecki