Working with dyes is asking for pretty pictures. While synthesising fluorescent tracers, Maarten van Meerbeek took this picture of a Cy5 dye.

Van Meerbeek has presented his tracers in the Photo Chemistry section before, and this time it is also an intermediate for a potential new tracer that the Interventional Molecular Imaging Laboratory could use for image-guided surgery. ‘What surprised me about this dye is that it has a very bright blue colour  in solution’, said Van Meerbeek. ‘But in solid form, as in the picture, it’s almost golden. It’s really bizarre, and I still don’t have a good explanation.’

Have you got any nice pictures of your experiments? If so, send them to and who knows, maybe you too will appear on our website!

Cye5-dye 1

Beeld: Maarten van Meerbeek