Our new columnist Sjoerd Rijpkema distills his thoughts and opinions about chemistry and society into a meme. This week: the compensation for students in the Netherlands who didn’t get a ‘basisbeurs’.

Meme pechgeneratie

After all these years, it’s finally here: compensation for the ‘pechgeneratie’. Or rather, the screwed generation. Between 2015 and 2022, the basic grant had been abolished and the loan system was alive and well. A study is an investment in yourself, and so you should pay it back later, was the government’s decision. The money saved would be used to improve the quality of education. Borrowing money was okay, and even encouraged. No interest and no effect on your mortgage was promised. Whereas a student in a dorm used to be able to count on around €20,000 for 5 years of study, that money now had to be borrowed.

Since 2023, the basic grant has been back. Abolishing it turned out not to be such a good idea after all. But what will the students who went through the loan system get? For their troubles, this generation got barely had educational improvement, does to pay interest on their debt (from 0% to 2.57%), and every euro borrowed effects their mortgage. Oh, and they get around €1600 back to offset this inconvenience. Apparently, that promised ‘improved education’ mainly consisted of a practical course in economic exploitation.
