Sustainable and healthy potato starch


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Royal Avebe is collaborating with CarbExplore Research and the University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) to develop new healthy starch varieties based on enzymatic production to reduce its carbon footprint.  

When you think of ‘The Potato Eaters’ by Vincent van Gogh, you probably don’t picture a healthy family sitting around the table. Nineteenth-century diets were unbalanced and living conditions were harsh. But potatoes are in fact an important raw material for healthy food ingredients. Avebe, producer of potato starch and proteins, is constantly innovating in the development of healthier food ingredients based on potato starch.

Marc Laus, Technology Officer Product & Applications at the company, says Avebe is looking to green existing processes and also expand its product portfolio of healthy starch products. ‘By changing the structure of starch, you can give it different functionalities’, says Laus. ‘For example, certain starches can be used as thickeners or gelling agents to give food a good texture. You can also give food the ability to retain moisture during freezing or thawing, or to retain its quality upon heating.’ 


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