Our members form the beating heart of our societies. Here, we regularly highlight one of them. This time, it’s KNCV-member Kevin Neumann. 

What do you do with chemistry? 

‘We focus on building molecular complexity across various scales, from small drug molecules to larger biomolecules and even drug delivery systems like nanoparticles. This complexity is not introduced randomly; instead, we employ rational design strategies to fine-tune chemical structures and their properties. A key aspect of our research is understanding how these structures interact with the biological environment. For example, we investigate how antifouling coatings interact with bacterial membranes at the molecular level or how modifications in drug delivery devices can minimize undesired immune responses.’ 

How does your research impact society? 

‘Our research contributes to society both through direct applications and by advancing fundamental understanding. For example, we have developed bioactive materials that selectively kill bacteria while remaining non-toxic to human cells; you can imagine that this material finds applications as biomedical coatings. However, I also want to emphasize the critical role of fundamental research. While not all discoveries yield immediate applications, they provide the foundation for future breakthroughs. In a time increasingly focused on direct applicability, it is important to remember that innovation depends on a deep mechanistic understanding – just as mastering a language is essential before writing a book.’ 

‘Not all discoveries yield immediate applications, but they provide the foundation for future breakthroughs’

Kevin Neumann 

What inspired you to choose the Netherlands for your research? 

‘Many reasons! First and foremost, it was about the science; finding the right place to start my independent career was a major decision. But beyond that, the Netherlands has been an excellent choice, not only scientifically for me but also in providing fantastic career opportunities for my wife. Plus, its central location in Europe is a nice added benefit!  


Kevin Neumann

What was the biggest challenge you faced when moving to the Netherlands? 

‘The move was incredibly smooth, and the entire society was super welcoming, so I encountered barely any challenges. Of course, as a German, the ongoing quest for proper bread remains, but that’s a challenge I can live with! A more fun challenge was adapting to the Dutch cycling culture, which I’ve come to appreciate. It’s such a convenient way to get around.’ 

Why do you think it’s important to be a member of the KNCV? 

‘This is a crucial point. I strongly believe that membership is more than just a networking opportunity, although that’s valuable too, it also gives our community a voice. Especially in times like these, when governments may be less supportive of science and research, it’s even more important to come together and amplify our joint voice.’ 

What does the map in the photo mean to you? 

‘Not only do I enjoy collecting maps, but it also reflects my passion for traveling and hiking. You could say that exploration plays a big role in my life – both in science and in my free time!’ 

Kevin Neumann is assistant professor in the Systems Chemistry group, Radboud University Nijmegen
