Meme-the-Molecule Competition 2024

Get ready for a new competition at C2W International! We’re looking for YOUR memes about chemistry or life science research. Use templates from Imgflip (or something similar) to create your own meme and send it to along with a short summary of your research. We will shortlist the best memes, which will be displayed at CHAINS 2024 where the participants will decide the winner through voting. Check out the details below. 

Terms & Conditions 

  • Your meme should be a single, still image (no animated GIFs or video clips); 

  • You can use meme templates from Imgflip or – if you fancy – create your own; 

  • The idea behind the meme should be immediately clear to the chemical and life science community; 

  • Please also submit a short summary (max 150 words) of your research; 

  • See the images below for some inspiration/examples; 

  • Send your meme and research summary to before 10 November 23:59h.

Assessment and winner 

  • The editors at C2W International will select the best memes based on the above criteria; 

  • The selected memes will be displayed at the KNCV booth during the CHAINS conference in Veldhoven (3-4 December) where participants can choose their favourite;

  • The winner gets their meme printed on a T-shirt and an interview for an article on C2W International. 

sigma-hole model meme

PFAS meme

‘For the colony’

super antibiotic meme

MtM promotion 1

MtM promotion 4