ScienceLink artikelen in Online only 2024 – Pagina 11
Get trained for a career in the design and use of modern medicines
The Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences (MPS) Master trains you for a career in the design and use of modern medicines. It ranges from basic- to clinical research and prepares you for a career in academia, industry, policy, and business.
Process Technology for non-Process Technologists
Are you active in the process industry, but lacking a process-technological background? Would you like to understand the challenges, experienced by the process engineers, (bio)chemists or microbiologists you are managing, in scaling up processes from lab scale to industrial scale? Would you like to understand what methods ...
Mens & Loopbaan
Relevantie geeft overtuigingskracht
Marloes ten Kate legt uit hoe je de aandacht van je publiek meteen pakt én vasthoudt.
Opinie & Columns
Not bad
Columnist Jenny Hasenack weet dat taal geen invloed heeft op moleculen. Toch maakt het voor de communicatie over die moleculen nogal uit voor welke taal je kiest.
Prepare for a career in molecular cell biology with a strong focus on acquiring scientific skills
Small-scale teaching, personal coaching and a strong focus on acquiring scientific skills. These are reasons why current students would recommend the Master’s programme in Molecular Mechanisms of Disease (MMD). The programme was designed to use all the resources available to prepare students for a career in molecular ...
Winnaar allereerste C2W Molecuul van het Jaar bekend
Sander Wezenberg (links) krijgt de taart uit handen van redacteur Daniël Linzel De lezers van C2W | Mens & Molecule hebben de fotoswitch calix[4]pyrrool uitgeroepen tot hun favoriete molecuul van 2023!
Take a systemic interdisciplinary approach to sustainability problems
5 Industrial Ecology is an emerging scientific discipline that takes a systemic approach to sustainability problems. An interdisciplinary approach, integrating an engineering, environmental and social science perspective is essential for sustainable development. The Master in Industrial Ecology is a co-operation between Leiden University and Delft University of ...
Study chemical processes in the broader context of health, environment and society
3 Are you eager to learn how chemistry can contribute to a more sustainable future? How chemistry is essential to the energy, resource and material transition? Or how your ideas and creativity can translate to sustainable, safe and circular processes? In the brand new Master Sustainable and ...
Learn how to design, model, and use nanomaterials to find solutions for a sustainable society
Do you want to learn how to design, make, model, and use nanomaterials to find solutions for the transition to a sustainable society? And to perform cutting edge interdisciplinary research at the interface between chemistry and physics? The two-year Master Nanomaterials Science will provide you with in-depth ...
Obtain in-dept knowledge of both the governance perspective and the natural sciences
Do you want to be an intermediary between scientific experts, policy makers and politicians in the domain of environmental sustainability? The master programme Governance of Sustainability might be just what you are looking for.
Ammoniak bekent kleur door appelafval
Biogebaseerde moleculen die van kleur veranderen als ze reageren met ammoniak kun je gebruiken als sensor.
Mens & Loopbaan
Ons Kent Ons 2024
Wie heeft er een prijs gewonnen? Wie kreeg die subsidie? Of wie heeft er een nieuwe positie gekregen? In Ons kent Ons houden we je op de hoogte van deze personalia.
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Kobaltcomplex helpt dadelpalm
Een dinucleair kobaltcomplex werkt bijzonder goed tegen een schimmel die dadelpalmen aantast. Vergelijkbare complexen werken ook tegen bacteriën.
Ineos’ Project One mag toch door
Na een half jaar van onzekerheid waarin de vergunning was ingetrokken voor de ethaankraker van Ineos (Project One), is er afgelopen weekend een nieuwe vergunning uitgegeven voor het miljardenproject, meldt De Tijd. De eerstvolgende werkdag werd het werk hervat in de Antwerpse haven.
Strategic alliance of two quality leaders
Hettich successfully completes acquisition of Kirsch Medical.