English – Pagina 25
‘Valorisation is not academic wisdom, it requires experience’
Thriving campuses are crucial to accelerate innovation. ‘They are part of the national innovation infrastructure, but it’s difficult to get across in The Hague.’
Radical rule of thumb on the reboot
Methyl radicals are not stabilised by more substitutions, but rather destabilised, Amsterdam researchers show.
Light and electricity make artificial skin sweat
A team of researchers from TU Eindhoven developed an artificial skin that sweats on command.
Photosynthetic – Making the fastest microscale 3D printing technology
Photosynthetic has created an algorithm for a 3D printer that can make materials at the microscale by shining tiny beams of light into liquid chemicals that thereby become hard polymers.
Biological diary of a cell created
With CRISPR-Cas1 and Cas2 and retrons you can keep track of the transcription history in a population of cells in a kind of log.
Epigenetic gatekeeper discovered in stem cells
Human pluripotent stem cells can become all types of cells, but possess epigenetic mechanisms that block some cellular pathways.
Chem brûlée
Most mixtures that chemists create in the lab may not always look special or appetising. But every once in a while, you would be tempted to take a bite of your product.
‘Your datasets hold their value longer than your publications’
Unleash artificial intelligence on old measurement results and you won’t believe what it adds to your knowledge, Lennart Martens promises.
Safely synthesising with CO
With a dual-chamber system, you can use carbon monoxide to install a carbonyl group during synthesis in a relatively safe way.
Radiochemist Erik de Blois pioneers with a radioactive medicine
Radiochemist Erik de Blois did not shy away from the great technical challenges of working with an α-emitter in a clinical environment under GMP conditions, resulting in the first phase 1 study with a radioactive medicine. ‘I have a practical mind.’
PFAS causes borderless problems
The PFOS scandal in Flanders reaches as far as the Netherlands, as Zeelanders are now being advised not to eat fish from the river Westerschelde
’Infectious diseases are a global problem and you have to make global policy on them’
She has achieved a great deal at a young age, but professor of vaccinology and malaria expert Meta Roestenberg is never ‘finished’.
‘High quality phosphate production and less trouble from phosphate waste is a win-win’ says SusPhos
SusPhos was crowned Frisian Start-up of the Year 2021 in September. How will the chemistry of SusPhos contribute to a better world?
Bucky balls in space
Researchers from the Leiden Observatory mimic chemical reactions that take place in space in the Laboratory for Astrophysics
Ancient proteins tell stories of our ancestors
Minute remains of ancient potsherds turn out to be a source of information about daily life thousands of years ago.
Non-target screening: the art of looking at everything
KWR Water Research Institute uses state-of-the-art high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) to simultaneously examine as many substances as possible.
Safe tattoo ink hurts (entrepreneurs) a lot
Dutch tattoo parlours are currently desperate for REACH-compliant tattoo ink. Since 4 January, their old ink inventory has become unusable, and the alternative is still a long way off.
‘Don’t forget that plastic also contributes to a more sustainable world’
Since October 2021 Gijs Langeveld is behind the wheel at the Polymer Science Park. How does he see the future of the PSP under his leadership?
New more dangerous HIV variant discovered in the Netherlands
A variant of the HIV-1 subtype-B that is more infectious and virulent than previously known variants has been circulating in the Netherlands for twenty years.
‘Many basic aspects of chemistry come together in glycochemistry’
Besides her efforts in outreach, inclusivity, diversity and helping early-stage researchers, Marthe Walvoort is building a career based on sugars.