English – Pagina 20
‘We understand what starting pharma companies need’
When Pivot Park started in 2012, not everyone was convinced it would work. But by now, the park is clearly a magnet for start-ups in the pharma field.
Paques Biomaterials – Natural alternative to plastic
Paques Biomaterials developed an alternative to plastic which does not accumulate in the food chain.
Cryo-EM reveals new details about RNA origami
Researchers at Aarhus University have used cryo-EM to gain a better understanding of the folding process that dictates RNA origami.
Synthetic immune receptors speed disease resistance in crops
Plants lack the ability to develop antibodies against a new virus. British researchers present a new concept: synthetic immune receptors ‘on demand’.
Iron complex excited for longer
When cyclometallation ligands are used around iron(III), it has an excited state that lasts a thousand times longer.
Jos Malda – Printing living cartilage implants
Jos Malda uses 3D bioprinting to create living cartilage implants that can replace damaged tissue and restore strength.
No Bison kit, but mussel glue
Groningen researchers have elucidated the polymerisation of polydopamine, which is similar to the substance that mussels use to stick to anything.
About the birds and the genes
Chinese researchers show which gene in monkeyflowers has been altered so that the flowers no longer produce yellow pigment.
A realistic look at CO2 emissions and climate change
In the fight against climate change, writes Gadi Rothenberg, “every little bit” does not help. Adapting to a warmer world is therefore inevitable.
Gambling and winning
Martijn Peters (32) won multiple awards for his lectures, vlogs and TikToks and is now science coordinator at DPG Media.
Synthetic painting
Organic chemistry is not always exciting when it comes to using colour: white powders, colourless liquids. But it can also produce beautiful pictures.
Mike Nuiten – Vegan fungal leather
Mike Nuiten explains how you could use the underground network of fungi called Mycelium to produce vegan leather.
Bonding model fails to explain reality
The model behind hydrogen bonds and similar complexes is fundamentally flawed.
Torwash – Toilets as source for green chemicals
Torwash developed a process to convert the sludge into granules that can be used for green chemistry.
Mummies long preserved by terpenoids from far beyond Egypt
To preserve their mummies, the ancient Egyptians imported resins from Southeast Asia. An early example of globalisation.
‘Handy’ enzymes create two chiral centres
Francesco Mutti and his team have used modified enzymes to produce amines with two stereocentres in a one-pot synthesis.