English – Pagina 19
ERC Advanced Grants 2022 announced
The recipients of the prestigious (and substantial) ERC Advanced Grants 2022 were announced yesterday, also featuring members of the Dutch and Flemish chemistry communities.
‘In terms of theory, chemistry 2.0 is coming’
Matthias Bickelhaupt’s research is literally rewriting chemistry textbooks. ‘I dare to say that some models are pointless.’
New algorithm complements protein models
NKI researchers are using their own algorithm to overcome shortcomings in their protein folding predictions.
Stephanie Rensink – Protecting wood with fungi
Wood needs a protective coating to be preversed and remain beautiful. How can we do this in an eco-friendly way? Stephanie Rensink investigates a special fungal coating that protects wood from the sun.
Biosensor as a Geiger counter
Chinese researchers have developed a biosensor that uses thioflavin T to detect strontium ions.
Green chemistry has many origins
Arjan Linthorst describes how concerns on environmental pollution and the deteriorating image of the chemical industry were all driving forces behind the emergence of ’green chemistry’ as a new research field.
Topical, broad and varied
Petra de Jongh and Hermen Overkleeft, co-chairs of the Scientific Program Committee of IUPAC | CHAINS 2023 provide a preview of the program.
Bas Tuenter – From disposables to Sustainables
Sustainables has an easy way to clean Eppendorf tubes, test tubes and pipette tips so that you can reuse them.
New spin on photocatalysis
The PhotoScale consortium aims to design a photospinning disc reactor that will allow photocatalytic reactions to be carried out on a larger scale.
‘One MOF particle to rule them all’
Science communication takes many forms. One very special form remains the annual ‘Dance your PhD’ competition, with this year’s chemistry winner depicting Metal Organic Framework research to rap music.
A European network for chemistry lecturers
The European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) will try to answer questions on challenges for chemistry lecturers at its annual meeting in April.
Mitochondria struggle with crowding
Researchers from Nijmegen can now experimentally show that macromolecular crowding occurs in mitochondria.
Warm star cloud shows water’s missing link
Leiden astronomers find evidence that water on Earth outdates than the Sun.
Regra – Reducing emissions with organic fertilizers
Thomas Vos and Robin Coes know what plants need, collect this from various sources and process these sources into a high-quality fertilizer pellet.
Machine learning for chromatography
At KU Leuven, researchers apply machine learning for more efficient method development.
Tomorrow’s medicines
Interview with Henk-Jan Out on the importance of innovation and the potential of CRISPR-Cas9 and mRNA.
Bigger and better screening in Oss
The Pivot Park Screening Centre in Oss got off to a flying start thanks to an inheritance from America. The company is now the biggest screening facility in Europe.
Metal-free click chemistry for antibody-drug conjugates
Synaffix links antibodies to drugs to enable targeted delivery.
Beyond contraceptives
Organon is back - but with a broader mission than before. The company focuses on women’s health, but no longer just in the context of reproduction.